Friday, January 9, 2009

Deep Thoughts Part II by Matt

Ahhhh! I Sure do love sharing my deep thoughts.  Today I have a thought that was triggered by my favorite musician ever, Rivers Cuomo.  He has a song on his first solo album "Alone" called Lemonade.  In this song, Rivers brings up that age old analogy about how if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.  Well this made me think about how many people buy lemonade instead of making their own.  I don't mean this literally, of course.  I am just trying to say is why do we always look at the more material things in life?  I think we should try to sit back and enjoy the finer things in life like friends and the time we have together.  I am a kid who is in college who may have just wasted the final years in high school with a girl. Now that my time with all my friends is rapidly running short, I am finally going to take the lemons life gives me and throw out the Minute Maid.  This is my life and I am going to make it what I wish and I encourage all my reader to do it too.  

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Wow, that was very inspiring. Thank you for your thoughts. Also, I will have to listen to that song soon.