Friday, January 16, 2009

Deep Thoughts Part III by Matt

In this third edition of Deep Thoughts I decided to address a very important issue in our society today.  What question you ask? I'll tell you.  Why is it that so many people gotta hate our president?  It happened with G.W. and now I am willing to bet that people are going to start thinking they are cool by saying that they are rebels and will say all kinds of crap against Obama.  Lots of people say that they are just happy Bush is out of the White House.  But eventually a bunch of jerks are going to start making shirts and posters about how bad our president is.  Now I know that Obama isn't the person lots of people would like to see leading our country, but he is our President.  How about we give him a chance, and show that no matter what, we are proud to be American.  Lets not be the generation that made America bomb, lets be that generation that made it what it used to be.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I went on a bit of a rant about this subject in my last blog too. If people would put as much effort into supporting the president and doing good as they put into putting the president down and saying how crappy he is, our country would be a much, much better place.